Sky Diving Australia : HOW TO GET STARTED

Becoming a skydiving instructor in Australia is an exciting career path for anyone who loves the thrill of jumping out of planes and helping others experience that same rush. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to become a skydiving instructor in Australia:


Step 1: Meet the Basic Requirements
To become a skydiving instructor in Australia, you must meet certain basic requirements. You must be at least 18 years old and have a valid skydiving license issued by the Australian Parachute Federation (APF). You must also have completed a minimum of 500 jumps and have at least three years of skydiving experience.


Step 2: Obtain the Necessary Certifications
To become a skydiving instructor, you need to have certain certifications. You must hold a current Instructor rating from the APF, which requires passing a rigorous examination that tests your knowledge of skydiving techniques and safety procedures. Additionally, you'll need to have a current First Aid and CPR certification.


Step 3: Gain Experience as a Tandem Instructor
Most skydiving schools require you to have experience as a tandem instructor before you can become a solo instructor. This means you'll need to work with students who are making their first skydive, jumping with them while attached to a harness. You'll gain experience in teaching proper technique, safety procedures, and communication with students.


Step 4: Become a Solo Instructor
Once you have enough experience as a tandem instructor, you can start working towards becoming a solo instructor. This involves passing a further examination by the APF that tests your skills in solo skydiving techniques, safety procedures, and teaching methods. You'll also need to log a minimum of 750 jumps, including at least 50 jumps within the past six months.


Step 5: Get Hired as a Skydiving Instructor
After obtaining your certifications and gaining experience, it's time to apply for jobs as a skydiving instructor. You can apply to work at a skydiving school or club, or even start your own business. Most skydiving schools require instructors to have liability insurance, so make sure you have this in place before starting work. Use Work the Wilds to connect with Employers and Search Jobs


*This is only a general guide and it is essential to do your own research before beginning your activities or training.


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