Outdoor Education / Camp Australia : HOW TO GET STARTED

You typically need to have a combination of education, training, and experience in the field. Here are some steps you can take to become an Outdoor Educator in Australia..


1. Get a relevant degree: A degree in Outdoor Education or a related field like Environmental Science, Outdoor Recreation, or Physical Education can be beneficial. There are a number of universities and colleges in Australia that offer these programs.


2. Gain experience: Employers in the Outdoor Education industry generally value hands-on experience in outdoor activities. You can gain experience by volunteering or working in outdoor education programs or outdoor adventure organizations.


3. Obtain certifications: There are a number of certifications that are recognized in the Outdoor Education industry. These include certifications in first aid, wilderness first aid, outdoor recreation, and guiding.


4. Network: Joining relevant associations, attending conferences, and networking with other outdoor educators can be beneficial. You can also consider joining the Australian Camps Association or the Australian Outdoor Education Association.


5. Apply for jobs: Once you have the relevant education, experience, and certifications, you can start applying for jobs in the Outdoor Education industry. Check out the jobs posted on Work the Wilds, or connect with Employers. 


It's important to note that the requirements and qualifications for becoming an Outdoor Educator may vary depending on the specific position and employer.


We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land. We pay our respects to their Elders, past and present, and the Aboriginal Elders of other communities who may be there today


If you are an expert in your sport and/or would like to become a contributor for Work the Wilds, please drop us an email at info@workthewilds.com or Contact Us